Charitable Gift Annuities Ease Inflationary Economies
Dan and Shannon were deeply invested in the ministry of their Church. As they looked toward retirement they discovered they would need additional income to achieve their retirement goal of maintaining their current lifestyle in light of rising inflation. Learn how Dan and Shannon used a Charitable Gift Annuity to ease the impacts inflationary economic times.
Pooled Income Funds & Net Zero Tax Advantages (Copy)
David held stock worth $10 million, with a zero basis. He was surprised to learn that he could face capital gains taxes of more than $3 million if he were to sell the stock. David's advisor told him of a creative way to transfer his wealth while avoiding capital gains taxes with a Pooled Income Fund. Learn how David realized a net zero tax advantage and provided financial blessings for his family and church.
Charitable Remainder Trusts that Provide Life Income & Charitable Allowances
Dave and Carrie Fletcher, both age 72, have owned and operated a dairy farm for 40 years. Anticipating retirement, they plan to increase their cash flow by selling a parcel of land they rent to a friend. The Fletchers bought this parcel 10 years ago for $65,000, and it is currently worth $250,000. While meeting with their financial planner, she explains that the Fletchers will pay $36,000 in capital gains tax. Learn how the Fletchers saved on taxes and maintained their desired retirement lifestyle.