Nikki Flaming Nikki Flaming

Pooled Income Funds that Accelerate Church Growth

Jeffrey and Elizabeth were long time members of First Church. As they became aware of the opportunities of planned giving, they selected to participate in the Pooled Income Fund (PIF) created by their Church. A PIF is like a mutual fund that is exclusive for the Church’s benefit. It is a contract between the Church and the giver that provides a “give/invest” strategy that is mutually beneficial. Learn how a PIF can fuel ministry growth.

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Nikki Flaming Nikki Flaming

Transformational Gift of Life Insurance

Marla and Ken purchased a life insurance policy many years ago to create security for their children's future. As the children grew-up, married, found good jobs and accumulated significant assets, the insurance didn't appear to be needed for its original purpose. The gift planner at their local Church told them they could make a significant gift to the work of their ministry by simply changing the beneficiary of their life insurance policy to the Church. Learn how Marla and Ken easily made a transformational gift to their church.

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Nikki Flaming Nikki Flaming

Charitable Giving with 401K Distributions

Lucy grew up in a midwestern community, and after completing her Associate’s degree in secretarial science became the bookkeeper of a startup company. She never married or had children. Because Lucy had grown up in her Church it served to meet all of the family needs of her life. Although she didn’t earn the income of her peers, she was wise with her money and lived simply. Generosity was always a part of her long and fruitful life. As Lucy began to make her estate plan, she quickly determined that she would leave all of her earthly resources to the eternal causes supported by her Church.

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Nikki Flaming Nikki Flaming

IRA Bequests & Paying Less In Taxes

Thomas told his advisor that he wished to make a bequest to his Church. Thomas' estate included some stocks, real estate and an IRA. Thomas' advisor recommended that he give the appreciated stock and real estate to his children and leave his IRA to the Church. Learn how Thomas was able to provide a tax-free solution for his children and bless his church with a significant charitable IRA donation.

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